Welcome to our page! As one of the largest and most represented organizations in UB, we hope to give you the tools, experience and knowledge necessary to help you advance the objectives and core values of AMA-MSS, which include issues of public wellness, community service, ethics and health policy.
In addition, we hope that through our events, you will feel more connected to the Buffalo community and gain a better understanding of the healthcare needs and gaps that exist in the area. We want you to become more involved, feel empowered and realize that even you, a medical student, can help shape the future of medicine.
Co-Presidents: Faculty Advisor:
Mark Diiulio: markdiiu@buffalo.edu Margaret Paroski, M.D.
Anthony Turner: adturner@buffalo.edu
VP-Membership: Treasurer:
Jeff Herendeen: jph25@buffalo.edu Adam Brouillard: adambrou@buffalo.edu
VP-Community Service:
Michael Kantor: mkantor@buffalo.edu
Michele Smith: msmith26@buffalo.edu
VP-Legislation: Minority Issues Committee Liaison:
Howard Soh: howardso@buffalo.edu Chinelo Ogbudinkpa: chineloo@buffalo.edu
Tom Dieringer: tdiering@buffalo.edu
VP Fundraising:
Kenneth Schmidt: ks325@buffalo.edu
Conrad Gleber: conradgl@buffalo.edu