Thursday, August 12, 2010

Register for the Webinar on Health Reform!

On August 17th at 7 PM, AMA Immediate Past President J. James Rohack, MD, and AMA government relations advocacy fellow Nick Rohrhoff are giving an informative webinar about how the Affordable Care Act—the new health system reform law—affects future physicians.

Titled “The system we will inherit: What does the Affordable Care Act mean for tomorrow’s physicians?” this 60-minute program will explore health system reform from the perspective of America’s next generation of physicians. From traditional issues such as graduate medical education and the physician work force to emerging subjects like delivery reform, this program will cover material in the new law that matters to medical students and residents.

The webinar will address such questions as:
• How will health system reform affect my patients and my profession?
• Did the law deal directly with medical student issues?
• Is health system reform over?

Space is limited, so please register early at

Sunday, August 8, 2010

2010 AMA-MSS Annual Research Symposium

Abstract Submission Deadline: 8/31/2010 @ 5PM

The AMA Medical Student Section (MSS) is accepting abstract submissions for the annual AMA-MSS and AMA Resident and Fellow Section (RFS) research symposium, which will take place Nov. 5 in San Diego in conjunction with the AMA-MSS and AMA-RFS interim assembly meetings.

In order to participate, you must be a current medical student member of the AMA.

Abstracts may be submitted in one of eight categories: Cancer biology, clinical/epidemiology/health care, radiology/imaging, surgery/biomedical engineering, neuroscience/neurobiology, immunology/infectious disease/inflammation, organ systems or biochemistry/cell biology.

Prizes will be awarded to one winner in each category, with an overall poster winner and overall oral presentation winner receiving a trip to the 2011 AMA-MSS Annual Assembly Meeting in Chicago.

Visit for submission requirements, abstract criteria and other details.